CIS 255 Tentative Schedule • Spring 2009

CRN 30748 • Tuesday / Thursday • 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. • HSB 442

January 6
January 8
Course Introduction
January 13
Chapter 1: Intro to Computers and Java
January 15
Chapter 2: Output, API, Variables, Literals
January 20
Chapter 2: Primitive Types, Operators, Data Conversion
January 22
Chapter 2: Constants, Strings, Style, Input, Errors
January 27
Chapter 3: if, if-else, if-else-if, Nested if, Logical Operators
January 29
Chapter 3: String Comparisons, Variables & Scope, ?, switch
February 3
Chapter 3: Formatting Numbers, Decision Structure Errors
February 5
Review Chapters 1, 2, and 3
February 10
Exam 1 (Chapters 1, 2, and 3)
February 12
Chapter 4: Increment / Decrement, while, do-while, for
February 17
Chapter 4: Running Totals, Sentinel Values, Nested Loops
February 19
Chapter 4: break, continue, Loop Choices, File I/O, Random Numbers
February 24
Chapter 5: Basic Method Syntax, Types, Arguments, Parameters
February 26
Chapter 5: Local Variables, Returning Values
March 3
Chapter 6: OO Programming, Instance Fields and Methods
March 5
Chapter 6: Constructors, Overloading Methods and Constructors
March 10
Chapter 6: Scope, Packages, Class Responsibilities
March 12
Chapter 6 Examples, Practice
March 17
Review Chapters 4, 5, and 6
March 19
Exam 2 (Chapters 4, 5, and 6)
March 24
No Class (Spring Break)
March 26
No Class (Spring Break)
March 31
Chapter 7: GUI Classes, Windows, Main Methods, Layout Managers
April 2
Chapter 7: Radio Buttons, Check Boxes, Borders, JPanel
April 7
Chapter 7: Splash Screens, Debugging GUI Programs
April 9
Chapter 8: Basic Array Syntax, Processing, Methods
April 14
Chapter 8: Multidimensional Arrays, Search / Sort
April 16
Chapter 9: Static Members, Objects as Arguments
April 21
Chapter 9: Returning Objects, toString, equals, Copying
April 23
Chapter 9: Aggregation, "this" keyword, Enumeration
April 28
Chapter 12: Handling Exceptions, Throwing Exceptions
April 30
Review Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 12
May 5
Final Exam (10:30 to 12:30 p.m.)
Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 12
May 7
No Class (Exams In Progress)